
Showing posts from July, 2012
Hey, what's happening guys? I have no idea what's happening to me. However, I feel that I am changing. Even all my friends tell me that. " Hey Alvaro, you have changed.", yet none of them has told me how I have changed. Yet I know that it's a pretty negative change. What happened to those tiny conversations that I used to have which seem to be going on forever? Is this a sign of change in maturity or simply just me becoming someone who is not good with his words. Even after a few weeks, I have yet to find the answer. The answers that we often seek are the ones that we do not really want to know. #AhBoysToMen. Recently I have been slowly progressing into one of my childhood dreams; Acting. As a kid, I always thought of myself having the stage or people acknowledging my efforts. Even though I missed the auditions of an upcoming local movie, I managed to get in as one of the platoon soldiers. This movie, #AhBoysToMen is directed by our local famous director, Jack Ne