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Recently I came across a quote by Nick Vujicic. "I don't need arms, I need purpose." I didn't think much of it until just a few days ago. During a school visit to a university in Switzerland, IHTTI, I met many young aspiring students who shared their stories there. I found out why they went there to study and how good the education actually is over there. However, I did not think much of it until I got back. To be honest, I didn't think much of it until now. Yes, it's getting late, I get it. What do I really want? It was a series of events which led to think about this... 1. Night at Switzerland trip. Late nights are often well linked to confessions and heart-to-heart talks which eventually brought up that question. I can remember no longer what we were all discussing about but suddenly one of them asked, "What would you want in life?" I literally stoned. I had no idea what I wanted. In the past, I would be able to immediately have a clear

Again and yet again

It has always been this cycle in life.  Someone enters our lives, becomes someone so important that you would never thought of them leaving. Then, a somewhat mysterious force pulled them away and it seemed like they never existed in the first place. Everything goes back to the way it was. But deep inside, we know that something, or rather someone, is missing from our lives. That feeling hurts.  Time passes by and somehow the "holes" seem to be filled up by themselves.  We thought that this would be the end of all these shitty stuff. Yet, we are so wrong again.  Someone else enters our lives once again and the same old shit happens. After a few cycles of experiencing the same shit, we start to ask ourselves questions.  Does the problem lie with me? Am I such a bad person to be with? Was I too much? Where did I go wrong? When will I ever meet someone who will stay for good?  The strange thing is, we never blame ourselves and take responsibility for it.  I g


大家请不要建议。我这次想用华语来说出自己的心声。太久没有用英文了,觉得怪怪得。 老实说,我这几个月来都非常不好过。心里有好多好多话,但却不知能向谁诉说。就是觉得自己非常没有用。我想不出自己好在哪一点,似乎没有什么优点。读书不好,打球一沓糊涂,唱歌普通,朋友少,常常生病,非常悲观,空口说东西,不稳定,没钱,没文凭。咳~ 也不知道该从哪里说起好。。。  就从明天将发生的事情来说好了。明天学校会有一个presentation而我认为我在我的组是最没有贡献的。可是,我不是没有做到什么东西。我有做啊!我还费了不少功夫做得powerpoint里得slides美美的。当天,我很开心的把我的slides传给他们。后来我才发现他们并没有用到我所做出的资料。当我看到他们新创的slides时,心里感到酸酸的。“是我做得不够好吗?还是我自己想太多了?”,我不断的问自己。后来,我来到了一个结论,我真的太天真了。原来是自己做得不够多,不够好。比起别人的作品,我的还算得了什么呢? 今天,生病的我就安安静静的坐在一边。。突然,一个组员就问到,“振宇,你有什么东西要贡献的吗?”。就知道他们都觉得我是那组最没有用的人。 其实,我明天根本也不想去学校的。已经感冒了好几天了。。生病了,去学校有个屁用啊?去了也不代表能够听得进老师教的课。去学校如果只是为了捧捧场而让自己感到不舒服,这样太不值得。感冒时,身体觉得非常的冷而鼻子不断的留鼻涕。当别人看到了我一直在拿这纸巾,心里应该是在想,“滚开啊, 恶心的家伙!”。我也因此对自己感到没信心。这是一个非常难受的感觉。 不过如果我明天没有去,我一定会对不起我的组员们。。。等等,或许他们根本都不在乎。他们根本都不需要我。我也不能影响倒他们的成绩。最多他们也只是跟老师说我生病,不能来了。没有了我,presentation还得继续。这其实才是残酷的现实。没有人会在意你的生死。只要你不影响到他们就行了,对吧?所以,明天不管我去不去都一样。损失的只是我。但是,我还得想清楚先。 我发现生命里需要做好多的选择。不管是大的或小的选择,都会带着重量的影响我们下一个的选择。只要我们从一开始就做出错的决定,接下来有很大的可能性会一错再错。结果就掉得越来越深。想回头也非常难咯。 我这一生给自己搞得乱七八糟。内心也是一样。其实我对别人说的话非常铭感