
Showing posts from September, 2012

Just a nice guy.

                                                                    Alright, I know it has been a really long time since I last updated my blog. Well I have been really busy with a lot of stuff and as you know it's my holidays, so I'm pretty much enjoying myself; by making as much money as I can.. *Period* And I spent them all on a Xbox Kinect console... Well, that explains why I'm busy all over again earning back all those money which I have spent. I was quite an emotional person who would get worked up at almost anything, you know. However after some time working, I noticed this significant change in myself; I started to not give any fuck. The thing is whenever you don't care about the things around you, they would not affect your mood in any way. So nothing could stand in my way because I put nothing in my eyes. However, later I realized that I could turn into some cold-blooded monster if that continued. This Saturday morning, I had to perform a song based on the