Hey, what's happening guys?
I have no idea what's happening to me. However, I feel that I am changing. Even all my friends tell me that. " Hey Alvaro, you have changed.", yet none of them has told me how I have changed. Yet I know that it's a pretty negative change.
What happened to those tiny conversations that I used to have which seem to be going on forever? Is this a sign of change in maturity or simply just me becoming someone who is not good with his words. Even after a few weeks, I have yet to find the answer.
The answers that we often seek are the ones that we do not really want to know.

Recently I have been slowly progressing into one of my childhood dreams; Acting.
As a kid, I always thought of myself having the stage or people acknowledging my efforts.
Even though I missed the auditions of an upcoming local movie, I managed to get in as one of the platoon soldiers.
This movie, #AhBoysToMen is directed by our local famous director, Jack Neo.
It's a movie which would share with fellow Singaporean and hopefully let more people know of the importance of the national service.
The role I am playing in this movie is actually a really tiny and replaceable role. My role is often labelled as either the "Extra" or the "Calefare". I must really admit that it bothers me a bit; The long shooting hours, low-paid job, insignificant role. However, I have been constantly reminding myself that I am doing it for the experience which money cannot buy. Working on the film, I have met awesome talented people like, Maxi Lim, Charlie Goh, Noah Yap, Wang Wei Liang whom already had valuable experiences in the entertainment industry. Watching them act under the guidance of the director Jack Neo was an eyeopening experience. Inspired by Noah, Janson, Rovin and other Vloggers whom I have met on set, I decided to do my very own Vlog too.

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My first video was pretty successful and had more than 1000 views, which was already sufficient to give me a sense of accomplishment. That was when I started to make more videos, however I started to receive some really negative comments from some anonymous viewer.
I got pretty upset by that particular comment and dislikes on that video.
However, it later dawned on me that it's impossible to have everyone like you.
Society is framed up in a way that we are either liked by people or disliked. What's more, I should not have took the comments so badly.
Always do things because we love them and you want to do it. We should not care about what others feel about your works. Everything in this world is defined differently by taste.

Ice-skating Accident.
I recently had an accident @ The Rink @ JCube which caused my right little finger's tenor to be cut 50%.
This was what happened:

I was decided to go cheeky when I was ice-skating. I skated really fast towards my friend which was stationary standing at the side of the skating rink and intended to spray ''some'' ice on him. Initially I planned to brake at point x. However a lady popped out of nowhere and I was compelled to hit the brakes at point y. Being a newbie skater, I immediately lost my balance and fell to the ground, sliding towards my friend's skates which slid my finger.
Boom, that was how I almost lost my finger.

A piece of advice: Wear your gloves at all times! It'll protect you and never do things which you are not confident about yet. Well, my complacence has led to my accident!
Do not take it the wrong way, ice-skating is not a dangerous sport. It's dangerous only when you do not follow Alvaro's instruction. I'm just saying, man.

Anyway, due to this accident, I had to skip classes and I feel that I really lag behind the class. Every single one of them has a group whenever it comes to doing tutorial. I would always be the one being out casted. There was once, one of my classmates actually said something really hurting to me.
This was what happened:
Students of my course had to attend a relatively boring talk. What was so ironical was that the entire talk was about educating the students on time management, when it actually took a few hours of our time.
However, I pictured myself as the lecturer, as the one who was doing and giving in my absolute best to push a message across to the students. I would be feeling really terrible if I was in his shoes. Almost 75% of the students were doing everything else except listening to him. That poor old man was there in front, raising his voice, spending so much effort in the talk. Some was talking loudly like they don't give a shit about it and the others were sleeping. My classmate was sitting beside me, sleeping. I could vaguely remember what happened then, however, I remember telling her off about giving the old man some respect or something like that. My kind intentions were taken pretty badly and she rebuked.
" At least, I still get better results than you.", she said in a hurting tone. I kept mum for the almost the entire of the talk. I was hurt, real badly.

Do I really suck like what she said? I am aware of others doing much better than me when it comes to academic-wise.
No, I do not suck. The man whom she claimed to suck was actually able to survive and went through so many ordeals in his life, ordeals that she would have died going through them.

Has anyone of us thought about why some of our classmates can play all day and yet still get the top positions in our classes?
Most of us might already know the answer to this question:
It is obvious that our classmates are much more intelligent and brighter than us. That's why they do better.
No matter how hard we refused to believe this cold fact, we must.
This is my theory:

Yes, some people may be smart, however, we should never take that as an excuse to have us put below them. We can all be equally as capable and smart as them as long as we are willing work much harder. As long as we put in more effort than them, we will definitely eventually catch up with them. It's just a matter of how much we really want it.
Yes, others may not be listening in class, they may be playing Tetris on their laptops. However, they are indeed smarter than us and while they don't need to listen in class to get good results, we do need. Well, I don't know much about them, but I just need to know that I need to put in hard work to get what I deserve. As long as we focus well on what we are doing, we will do good in it.

Wonder how many of us would agree with my perception..
It works for me!

Anyway, I am struggling and doing my best to cope well with everything. I have quited my cca and job. Hopefully that will help give me more time to do the things that I really want.

The cycle.
This cycle always happen to me.
Firstly, I would get so upset and demoralized till the point that I feel like dying.
Yet, at the very next moment, someone deep inside me would appear and talk me out of it, giving me strength to go on.
It has been some time since I last sat down and sorted out my feelings through blogging. Initially I wanted to do a Vlog rant..
Maybe some other time soon!

Anyway, thank you hearing me out!

FOLLOW ME @ http://www.twitter.com/alvarozy
                     @ http://statigr.am/alvarofong



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