How long has it been since I last updated this blog? I honestly can't remember. Back then, Blogging was the most popular thing that teenagers do to express themselves. Remembering the late nights when I could not sleep, I had so much to say, yet no one was there to listen. Hence the long blog posts of the classical "late night thoughts". For myself, this was once the way I reflected upon the events of my life, the way I longed to be heard. As time goes by, we have all grown old. But have we grown up? Is today's version of us better than who we were before? If not, why not? We all crave for progress. Yet sometimes, we remain too comfortable to move forward. From the last post, it has already been more than 4 years. The change in my life is incredible. 4 years ago, I was still a young student who only had one priority; studying. Today, I have completed my university, started a family, and working hard in building my career. It is not by any chance that I am w...