Goals & Taking Action.

Hello readers!

I'm back to post on this beautiful blog.

Today, I won't be ready to teach you guys a new thing yet. A series of event just happened today that led me to thinking that my goal is most important.

Today will just be a small reflection on my life.
Read on and feel free to comment on it. (:

It was just months ago that i attend the camp as a participant for the third time.
I attend the camp 6 years ago twice, but I didn't changed much.
During the camp, i began to feel aware of all the wrong doings that I've done in my life and regretted. At that point of time, I was very determined to go out there and get my goals. However, I knew that the determination would soon run off and I would be still be the same as I first started.
To start off first, I sent an email to the the people there. I wanted to be coach there and help other children like me. Most of all, I wanted to learn more as I teach.
With that I sent an email to them.

It is writen below:


fong zhenyu (fongzhenyu@hotmail.com)
23 March 2009 23: 58PM

Dear Sir Or Madam,

My name is Fong Zhen Yu.

I am 15 years old and currently in Westwood Secondary School.
I was inspired to become a coach at AKLTG when i went for a camp that just ended yesterday.
I had been to the Camp twice 6 years ago, but i didn't benefit as much as the recent camp.
I was still very young back then and didn't bothered to think about the things i've learnt from the camp.
That's why the progamme didn't helped me much. However, after my third camp, i feel that i've greatly benefitted from it. I began to discover my maximum potential and realised what my dream was.
Before the camp, i was still thinking over what i really want to be. Be it a sportsman or a musician. I realised that my dream was to become a musician and i would do my best to get phD in that area. Right now after that camp, i was really motivated to become a better person and to give in my 100% in everything i do. I really hope to have chance and opportunity to learn and change other people's life and beliefs. At the same time, i would be able to constantly improving myself and learn many things from the coaching training. I wish share my experiences and get people motivated to bring the best in them.
I'm wondering if i do have to opportunity to become one of the many fantasic coaches that i given me invalueble guidance and support. I hope i can be given a chance to learn from it and be even more successful.
Please reply my email or you can contact me at the below the information.
I know i may not be good in english, but i'm improving.

I don't know what else to say, but i really want to be a coach to learn and teach at the same time

Thanks alot

Fong Zhen Yu


That was my first step taken towards my goal.

I was taught that goals are important as they give you direction.
Goals might even change from time to time.
My goal was to be a musician.
However, my goal now is to be a Trainer just like Adam Khoo.

There are many reasons why I want to be someone like him.
Anyway at least I had a goal in the past that keep me moving in a direction, it's just that my goals had slowly shifted direction.

What i'm saying is that, we need to have a goal.
Without a goal, we are just a blind sheep.

Now that I have a goal, it is not enough. I must start to take action.

The second step I did was to coach at camps.
I've grown alot from coaching and meeting new people. That was also where I gain so much experience from and how I slowly move towards my goal.

Now I'm even much more determined in archieving my goals!

It was these few days.
I thought about the actions I've took towards my goals. I started asking myself.

" Did I gave in my 100% ? "

" Was that the best I can give? "

" Am I doing enough to reach my goals? "

The answers were already right in front of me.
I didn't really give in my 100%. I feel that I could have done so much that I could have done even better.

Awareness ...

I grew awareness of my surrounding, my life once again.

Then I asked myself what was stopping me from my goal. NOTHING. It was just me. I was the one who stopped myself from going out for my goals. I didn't put in my 100%.

Anyway, I can go on with this story for ages.
There are many thoughts in my head.

It's time to take action!

I'll list down my goals on this blog as soon as possible.

I want the whole world to know my goals.

Even if in the end, I didn't archieve my goals. But I'll still have a reason to pat my back and say it's alright, because I've given my 100% !


Be my witness of my goals (:

Alright readers.

I hope you'll also gain something from this post.

Goals are important.

Taking action is equally important. Don't just sit down there waiting for opportunities to come. Create your own opportunities.

Life is short. We should live it with no regrets.
Live life, live for every single moment (:
Who cares if the world is going to end in 2012 ?
If so, we're gonna die with no regrets.


Even if you didn't archieve your goal, at least you did worked towards it. (:
That's something to be happy about.

Goals give us directions.

I'm going to state my goals at the side of the blog. (:

Comment yeah?

Signing off.


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